Essay Competition winner

Posted: 10th April 2012

Martha Wins the Max Gate Intermediate Essay Prize 2010 organised by the Independent School Association.

The English department was delighted to receive the news that Martha, a pupil in Yr 8,  had won top prize for her challenging essay in the Intermediate section of the ISA competition. She chose to write on a topic she felt strongly about and this clearly paid off.

The competition had a record number of entries from independent schools nationally and Martha made an intelligent and well-argued case for the controversial topic of a woman’s right to choose abortion.  She made her view clear from the outset and wrote a cogent and persuasive essay. The Adjudicator declared:

"I felt that this was a topic that Martha really did feel strongly about and she tackled it bravely.  She argued her case passionately and her viewpoint was thoughtful and articulately expressed, showing a maturity beyond her years."

The school would like to congratulate Martha and look forward to more writing successes in the future!

Mrs K Dawson, English Teacher.

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