Jubilee Celebrations

Posted: 18th June 2012

Highclare School joined in with the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations on all three sites.

Pupils at the Abbey Juniors enjoyed a Jubilee Day of fun on the last day before the holiday.
Everyone wore red, white and blue and enjoyed learning about the Queen, singing songs,
having  a picnic lunch and best of all, taking part in the Bake Off. The parents enjoyed being together and we raised lots of money for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Reception at St Paul's have sketched portraits of the Queen. They took great care to make sure that her features were in the correct place and were the correct size!

At Woodfield, staff and parents celebrated the Jubilee in style, dressed appropriately in red, white and blue.
Visitors from The Children’s Hospital joined us for a special charity assembly and were delighted to hear about Woodfield’s fundraising activities.
Parents and pupils took part in a “Bake Off”, bringing to school a wonderful selection of cakes and biscuits, which were sold for charity. A very high standard was set for the Jubilee Sponge Bake Off, by parents and grandparents and our three judges had a difficult job deciding on winners.
The joyous day came to a close with parents enjoying “Afternoon Tea” which was served in the school hall.
Donations for Afternoon Tea, cake sales and non-uniform day helped us to raise several hundred pounds for our charity. Our thanks go to everyone who supported our day.
Special thanks areoffered to our amazing team of parents who helped throughout the day 

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