Junior School Art Competition 2019

Posted: 24th June 2019

Highclare Senior School enjoyed hosting another fantastic Junior School Art Competition this term which saw over 400 pupils enter this now highly anticipated community competition.

This year’s theme ‘under the magnifying glass‘ grew out of a project studied by Highclare L4 students on natural forms.

During the project students looked at the work of artist Georgia O’Keefe, who made ordinary flowers extraordinary by zooming in on the detail in her paintings. This new viewpoint on the world around her made her one of the most celebrated female artists of her time.

“Through this competition I hoped the young artists would stop and take notice of things around them, and show the interesting detail and beauty in ordinary things.  On viewing the entries, and I hope you agree, I have been amazed by the imagination and variety of subjects – we’ve had fabulous fruit, glittery bugs, microchips, eyes, and even the moon. The detail shown under the microscope in pupils artwork shows they have really taken the time to look carefully at and appreciate what they can see around them.” Mrs K Stott.

The gala viewing and presentation evening was a huge success and it was lovely to see so many families celebrating with pupils from across the region.