Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Wednesday 3 June 2020

Posted: 3rd June 2020

Good morning, Prep School,

Welcome to Wednesday!

Today is a short Bulletin from me as I am typing this on Tuesday evening with a half numb arm as I have been stung by a bee! I have never been stung before in my 24 years of life and it really, really, really, really, really hurts.

I was stung after saving Mrs McGoldrick as she had a bee stuck in her hair (our bees from yesterday have returned with a vengeance). It was quite dramatic and I’m not sure what people thought looking out of the window seeing us both jumping around on the front drive! Don’t worry though, I am ok as Mrs Soen administered first aid and removed the sting, dosed me up with antihistamine and applied an ice pack, Ms Kenny, Mrs Stoney and Mrs McGoldrick gave the moral support I needed and I even got a sticker for being brave! Annabelle (Yr4W) also helped with the aftercare and cheered me up. I’m sorry Annabelle – you shouldn’t have to see your Head teacher acting like a baby! The fun that you have if you are in school.

The bees are being re-homed again as I type. No more pictures today though as bees, for today, are not my friend! Some good has come out of my near death experience though! Everyone was so kind and caring looking after me – what a great team! I helped a friend in need – a good deed for the day! The bees are having a relocation – happy bees and I get to go home a little bit earlier tonight (with a work related injury) which means I can cook Mr Bennett’s dinner for a change– happy Mr B.


I have attached a poster for you to work through in June – it’s called Joyous June and it is a calendar to help us each day this month to do something to make us happy. I love things like this – little actions in a day that can change our outlook and also have a positive effect for other people. I would like to share with you the 3 things I am grateful for (yesterday’s task):

Having some children back in school and being able to stay connected with those who are still at home.
Being able to see my nephew on Thursday for his 5th birthday – socially distanced in his garden of course.
The wonderful people who I was in school with today.
I am a lucky lady!

So each day I promised I would be sending you a life skill task to complete and also a joke, poem, picture, fact or reflection. Here we go for Wednesday 3rd June:

Life skill of the day: Can you sew on a button?

Day of the year themes: ‘World Bicycle Day’, ‘Running Day’. ‘Chocolate Macaroon Day’, ‘Repeat Day’ and ‘Insect Repellent Awareness Day’

Thunk of the day: Remember, Thunks are unusual questions that are designed to make you think. There are no right or wrong answers -just your answer. The only rule is that you must be able to justify and explain your answer. You cannot just say the first thing that comes into your head. Really think about the question and discuss with your family!

Question: Where does the sky start?

TOPS activity of the week: Can you find an audiobook and listen to it to relax? Maybe share this book as a family or listen to it alone for a bit of downtime. I know I will definitely be taking part in this activity this week! I love reading and I love being read too.

Quote of the Day: “Don’t change so that people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love you”

Sleeps til Santa: 205

Have a super day,

Stay safe,

Mrs Bennett 😊

GCSE Results

This year Highclare students have once again produced outstanding GCSE results.  Nearly one third of all grades were at the highest level of 7 and above and our overall pass rate was 92%, all of which are significantly above the national figures of 22% and 68% respectively.

Half of all grades were 6 and above and 98% of our full-time students achieved 5 of more GCSE passes. Having scored particularly excellent grades in Science and Maths, we are welcoming 4 students onto our Pre-Med scholarship program, designed to support students with medicine-related university applications.

Nearly 10% of our cohort have achieved 8 or more GCSEs at the top grades of 7 or above (or 35% achieved 7 or more GCSEs at the top grades of 6 or above).

Click here to view our brand new Sixth Form Scholarship – The Pre-Med Scholarship