Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Thursday 21 January 2021

Posted: 21st January 2021

Good morning, Prep School family, 

Happy Thursday! I hope you are all well and not too soggy from all of this rain! I hope you managed to get out yesterday, even if it was only for a short walk. I managed a quick walk to the Co-op to get some bits for our dinner but my timing wasn’t great – I got soaked. It was so good to get out of the house though, it is amazing what a difference a small walk and some fresh air can do for your mood and your mental well-being. It was also good just to see other people as well. I didn’t see anyone I knew but just to see some happy faces and hear lots of giggles was uplifting. 

So today is my niece’s 3rd birthday! Her name is Amelie, AP or Amzy for short. She is also known by a few other names I cannot share with under 12’s – she has a wild spirit and isn’t afraid to show it! She is a ball of sheer delightfulness and is always so very, very happy. I have attached a few photos so you can see who I am talking about!

I have mixed emotions about today. Birthdays in my family are a real celebration. We make a big deal out of someone’s birthday and we always get together to celebrate the occasion. It usually involves lots of cake, laughter, music and general frivolity. We have been relatively lucky so far throughout the lockdowns as most of our family birthdays are in the summer months, so we have been able to at least get together with some people and had a mini celebration. We obviously cannot get together to do this this year and this makes me feel a bit sad. I know it is only one birthday but Amelie will only ever be 3 once and it is the first birthday that she has really known what is going on. She is soooo excited, you can see the excitement bubbling up in her – she has been ready to explode for weeks! I know I also sound really selfish as I am also very lucky as we will have a family Zoom to watch her open her presents and sing happy birthday. I know some people won’t be able to do this with their loved ones this year for many different reasons. I am very grateful that I will be able to see her on her birthday through the wonder of technology but I will so miss that birthday hug, laughter and helping to unwrap the presents. I think I will even miss the over tired crying that usually signals home time for all (and that’s just from the adults! 

What I am trying to say is that it is ok to have these mixed feelings inside you, especially at the moment. Its ok to feel emotions that you may not normally have. Don’t feel guilty for feeling a certain way and don’t bottle up how you feel inside. Recognise that sometimes it is hard to make sense of your emotions. Remember to talk to someone– just talking things through really can make a huge difference. I can promise you everyone has felt this way at some point – it really is very normal and it really is ok. 

Days of the year theme: Hugging Day (only those in your family bubble this year), International Sweatpants Day (I will be partaking in this!), Granola Bar Day (and this) and Squirrel Appreciation Day. 

Quote of the Day: “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh

Happier January calendar task (this month’s activities are based on doing things that make us happier):

*Take a small step towards an important goal

TOP’s weekly activity: Research a famous or historical figure and write a diary entry as them. Can you then present it in an unusual way?

Life skill of the day: Learn to fold your clothes properly

Joke of the day: Thank you to Saachi, Yr5P

What did the big flower say to the little flower?

Hey Bud! 

Fact of the Day: Thank you again to Saachi, Yr5P

The most dangerous ant in the world is a fire ant.

Sleeps til Santa: 338 days! 

Three things I’m looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small! 

Today I am looking forward to: Our family Zoom, taking part in internal sweatpants day and my 4pm cup of tea!  

Have a great Thursday,

Take care and keep working hard, 

Mrs Bennett

Senior School and Sixth Form Open Evening

On Thursday 10 October, we are holding our Senior School and Sixth Form Open Evening, from 4:30-7pm.

Come and experience a whistle-stop tour of the school, as we demonstrate a typical day at Highclare. Any questions you may have will be answered as you move around the school and speak to staff and students alike. Teaching staff are highly motivated professionals with a wealth of experience that they are keen to share! There will also be an address by the Head, so ensure you arrive in plenty of time in order that you do not miss out.

As places are limited, if you are interested in attending this event, please book by contacting the admissions department. You can do this by calling 0121 373 7400, emailing, or filling out the form linked below.

Highclare School holds regular Open Events throughout the year at Highclare Senior School, Highclare Preparatory School: St Paul’s, and Highclare Preparatory School: Woodfield.  However, if you miss one of our Open Events then please contact admissions for an individual appointment to visit the School during any school day. Parents are always welcome to visit, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

If you are interested in attending our event on 10 October, please click here to book your place 

To find out more about our other open events, please click here