Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Friday 29 January 2021

Posted: 29th January 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

Welcome to Fri-yay! It’s the last in Friday and January and the weekend is nearly upon us! I don’t know about you but this week seems to have gone by in a flash! It doesn’t seem two minutes ago that we were watching the snow fall on and hoping for a long awaited snow day! I have been looking at the weather forecast carefully this week and snow is again forecast for this weekend. . . what do you think the chances of us getting so much snow that we have another snow day?! I’m thinking slim to none but we can but hope. I have my fingers tightly crossed!

I have been thinking a lot this week about how hard the past month has been for everyone. January is a notoriously bad month for so many as the fun and glitz of Christmas is over, it’s usually cold and wet, the evenings and mornings are still dark, it’s a long month – 31 days and there isn’t usually much to look forward too – this year to top it all off, we have been part of a global pandemic and in a national lockdown. Not a great combination for our mental well-being.

But I got to thinking, it hasn’t been all that bad. There have been some really positive moments in January and some things that I will treasure that January 2021 allowed me to do that no other January has done! So can you put your positive pants on and think of your top ten January highlights? Mine are as follows, in no particular order. . .
1. The evenings are getting slightly lighter each day
2. Being able to see you all either in school or on Zoom
3. FaceTime story times with Arthur and Amelie
4. My dad getting his covid vaccination booked
5. The snow and the calmness and excitement that it brought
6. Not having to set my alarm at 5am thanks to slightly reduced lockdown traffic
7. Leftover Christmas cake to be eaten
8. Having time to read a book or watch a film at the weekend
9. Cheeseboards being delivered
10. Spending more time with Mr Bennett (he may argue with this one as we don’t always see eye to eye when we are both working from home!)
So as this week and month draws to a close, don’t focus on the ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’, think of everything that you have achieved. I am so, so very proud of each and every one of you. You have all risen to the challenges that we have faced, both individually and together, and for that you should be proud of yourselves as well. We have all asked things of each other this month that we may have thought at first impossible, but with a bit of steely grit and Highclare determination, we got through it.

#Proud #HighclarePrepSchoolfamily #Bettertogether #Positive #Wedidit!

Days of the year theme: Fun at Work Day, Puzzle Day, Curmudgeons Day, Cornchip Day and Free Thinkers Day

Quote of the Day: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

Happier January calendar task (this month’s activities are based on doing things that make us happier):

*Count how many people you can make smile today

TOP’s weekly activity: Can you learn 15 new countries and their capital cities?

Life skill of the day: Dust some furniture

Joke of the day:

Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure?

He was a little shellfish!

Fact of the Day:

Did you know that there are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on the beaches?

Sleeps til Santa: 329 days!

Three things I’m looking forward to today (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

Today I am looking forward to: the weekend, a glass of something cold after work and pizza for tea.

Have a wonderful day and weekend,

Mrs Bennett

GCSE Results

This year Highclare students have once again produced outstanding GCSE results.  Nearly one third of all grades were at the highest level of 7 and above and our overall pass rate was 92%, all of which are significantly above the national figures of 22% and 68% respectively.

Half of all grades were 6 and above and 98% of our full-time students achieved 5 of more GCSE passes. Having scored particularly excellent grades in Science and Maths, we are welcoming 4 students onto our Pre-Med scholarship program, designed to support students with medicine-related university applications.

Nearly 10% of our cohort have achieved 8 or more GCSEs at the top grades of 7 or above (or 35% achieved 7 or more GCSEs at the top grades of 6 or above).

Click here to view our brand new Sixth Form Scholarship – The Pre-Med Scholarship