Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 27 April 2021

Posted: 27th April 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,

Welcome to Tuesday!

I hope you are well and have been enjoying the glorious sunshine that has blessed us over the past week or so. It really feels like spring is here and that summer is on its way! The dawn chorus is getting earlier and earlier as each week passes and each morning I love to sit and have a (quick) morning coffee listening to the birds and watching the sunrise. I am most definitely a morning person – come 9:30pm, you will usually find me fast asleep. . .usually on the sofa!

I find early mornings very relaxing and peaceful. The whole world is just waking up – there is very little unnatural noise, no one else is about and I feel alone but not lonely. I feel like I get a special insight into the world by getting up so early, that not many other people do. I see the sky change through many different colours. I see the sun and the moon. I see stars fading. I hear foxes and owls. I see the occasional dog walker or runner and the very, very occasional deer in the park opposite my house. I love the peaceful, calming quiet and the security that I feel from each new day. I feel blessed to be able to experience all of these things. There are some plus sides to 4:30-5am. . .however, don’t get me wrong, when the weekend comes, I am more than happy to let someone else experience these delights! I have my fair share in the week.

I have attached a picture for you that sums up how we all feel sometimes and it is often the little things, under our noses, like a simple quiet moment, a hug from a loved one, a walk, a teddy or a smile, that makes everything else feel ok.

Days of the year themes for the coming week:

Tuesday 27th April – Morse Code Day, Tell A Story Day, Prime Rib Day and World Tapir Day

Wednesday 28th April – Pay It Forward Day, Superhero Day, Stop Food Waste Day, Blueberry Pie Day and Guide Dogs Day

Thursday 29th April – World Wish Day, International Dance Day and Zipper Day

Friday 30th April – Honesty Day, Oatmeal Cookie Day, Hairball Awareness Day and Honesty Day

Saturday 1st May – Tuba Day, Space Day and Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

Sunday 2nd May – World Laughter Day and Baby Day

Monday 3rd May – Lemonade Day, Garden Meditation Day and different Coloured Shoes Day

Quote of the week: “Inner strength grows in moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.”

Jokes of the Week:

How do you keep a bull from charging?
Take away its credit card!

What did one plate say to the other?
Dinner is on me!

Which hand is better to write with?
Neither. It’s better to write with a pencil!

Facts of the Week:

Ripe cranberries will bounce like a ball. (Go on, try it!). They also float.

Pound cake is so called because the recipes once called for a pound of butter, a pound of sugar, a pound of eggs and a pound of flour.

Walt Disney began drawing regularly when he was just four years old.

Active April calendar task (Active April’s month’s activities are based on getting active and out and about):
Tuesday 27th April:
Walk outside for at least 15 minutes Wednesday 28th April:
Find a fun exercise to do Thursday 29th April:
Relax your mind and body with some yoga

Friday 30th April:
Discuss a cause you really believe in with a family member Saturday 1st May:
Turn your house work or chores into a fun form of exercise Sunday 2nd May:
Give your body a boost by laughing or making someone else laugh

Monday 3rd May:

Sleeps til Santa: 242 days

Five things I am looking forward to this week (thanks to Mrs Hinch for the inspiration): Can you try this each day? Remember, it focuses your mind on the positive and reminds us to show gratitude for things, no matter how small!

This week I am looking forward to: cooking enchiladas for my dinner, seeing a friend for an outdoor catch up, speaking to my auntie, sunrises on the way to work and the bank holiday weekend!

Have a wonderful week,

Take care of yourselves and each other,

Lots of love

Mrs Bennett