L4 Geography Field Trip to the Cotton Dell, Staffordshire

Posted: 15th June 2022

On Monday 13th June 2022, the Geography Department took L4 on a river studies trip to Cotton Dell in Staffordshire. In groups, students carried out a variety of tasks including; creating a geographical sketch and testing the speed of the water flowing in the river. The students also measured the depth and width of the river channel, the wetted perimeter area and the size and profile of the bedload in the river across two different sites.


Trips like these allow our students to visualise all of the information they are learning within school and provide vital first hand experience for our budding geographers. All in all a lovely day out.

Categories: News
GCSE Results

This year Highclare students have once again produced outstanding GCSE results.  Nearly one third of all grades were at the highest level of 7 and above and our overall pass rate was 92%, all of which are significantly above the national figures of 22% and 68% respectively.

Half of all grades were 6 and above and 98% of our full-time students achieved 5 of more GCSE passes. Having scored particularly excellent grades in Science and Maths, we are welcoming 4 students onto our Pre-Med scholarship program, designed to support students with medicine-related university applications.

Nearly 10% of our cohort have achieved 8 or more GCSEs at the top grades of 7 or above (or 35% achieved 7 or more GCSEs at the top grades of 6 or above).

Click here to view our brand new Sixth Form Scholarship – The Pre-Med Scholarship