Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 18 April 2023

Posted: 20th April 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,


I hope you are well and rested after the Easter break. I hope you all managed to have lots of fun and relax away from the normal routines that daily life and school inevitable bring! I had a super holiday – I saw lots of old friends, caught up with old work colleagues, celebrated birthdays, went to the beach, visited Norfolk, saw family, read lots of books, ate delicious food and slept! I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday. I have very much enjoyed listening to the tales from the children as well about how they spent their holidays. The joy and smile on the children’s faces made it obvious what a lovely time they had all had. When I asked the children the best things about their holidays, the vast majority of them replied something along the lines of spending time with my family. . . a perfect response. . .Ill skip over the comments about how many Easter eggs they got and lost teeth – all very exciting but it really made me proud how the children put time spent with family above materialistic possession.


I cannot believe that we are in the last term of this academic year – where has the time gone too? In not so many weeks, we will be finishing school for the summer and another school year will be done. However, we have many weeks before this and lots to fill into our very busy schedule. Although the summer term is a busy one, I really do enjoy it – it’s a term filled with much fun (as are all our terms but fun like the sleep over fun) and creativity alongside the important events in our calendar. It’s a term of endings and new adventures, one of mixed emotions, pride and excitement and it’s the term, if any, that gets me sentimental and emotional – yes that is a feat!


As you no doubt know by now, we have some very special visitors in school this week and I am not talking about the eggs, soon to be chicks, in Year 1. I am looking forward to showing off our amazing school and introducing them to your amazing children. As I have said before, and I will say again, I am so proud of our school family and our little community. Thank you all (children, staff, parents) for playing a huge part in making our school such a special place to be.


Quote of the week: “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path”.


Well-being tasks for this week: Active April


Let’s find ways to get moving and stay active and healthy


Tuesday 18 April – Learn a new dance today

Wednesday 19 April – Sit less today – get up and move around!

Thursday 20 April – Eat the rainbow – can you eat as many different coloured fruit and vegetables as possible?

Friday 21 April – Pause and stretch on a regular basis

Saturday 22 April – Listen to your favourite piece of music whilst doing something active

Sunday 23 April – Walk on a journey instead of driving

Monday 24 April – Go out and enjoy nature


Jokes of the week: 


What is a little bear with no teeth is called?

A gummy bear.


What’s the best way to throw a birthday party on Mars?

You planet.


Why did the toddler toss the butter out the window?

So she could see a butter-fly.


Why does Peter Pan fly around so much?

He Neverlands.


What kind of shoes does a banana peel love wearing?



Sleeps til Santa: 250 sleeps til Santa


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to my cousin’s wedding this weekend
  2. I am looking forward to seeing our old neighbours
  3. I am looking forward to heading to Derbyshire on Sunday
  4. I am grateful for my health
  5. I am grateful for the blossom on the trees

Have a wonderful week and enjoy the hopefully warmer weather, I heard on the news that Britain would be warmer than Ibiza by the weekend. . . we shall see!


Take care of yourselves and each other and remember you only get one today.


With much love,


Mrs Bennett