Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Thursday 21 March 2024

Posted: 21st March 2024

Good morning, Prep School family,


I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the last week of term before the Easter holidays start today. We seem to have had such a busy week within the Prep School, although it’s only been 3.5 days long! We have had a whole Prep School concert, Rocket Reader and Going for Gold celebrations, an Easter Egg hunt house challenge, the Highclare Prep School Mathematics Challenge, fixtures and a Pre-Prep taster session amongst many other things! This all is alongside the normal day to day teaching. The whole half term seems to have been like this – a hugely productive but whirlwind like experience for everyone involved. It has, to quote one of the Year 6 children, “Been the longest and busiest shortest half term ever”.  I could not agree more. Everyone is so ready for an extremely well-deserved rest this holiday. The children have continued daily to make us so proud of them, there is not a day that passes without me being amazed by something someone has said or done – be it pastorally, within our extra-curricular offerings or academically. I often surprise myself by being amazed – I know how wonderfully kind, caring, passionate, resilient, thoughtful, imaginative and creative (to name but a few) that our children are. I am so privilege to work with them each and every day but even knowing all of this, I love the fact that I still get these spontaneous WOW moments daily. I love nothing more than witnessing the brilliance of our children and seeing their own personal journeys develop in front of my eyes.


Thank you for trusting us each day with your children and for letting us be part of theirs and your lives. I’ve said it before but I truly believe that our school community is a family and one that I am honoured to be part of.


I hope you all have a wonderful holiday whatever you are doing. Enjoy the time away from school, routines and remembering everything that needs to be brought to school on a daily basis! Take time to rest, relax, reflect and have fun, after all, that is what school holidays are for!


Quote of the week: “I’m thankful for the next breaths and tomorrow sunrises. Grateful for second chances and unexpected happiness.” – Mark John Green.


Well-being tasks for this week: These tasks are based on Mindful March. They are meant to give us chance to pause, breathe and notice so we can respond more mindfully each day.


Thursday 21 March – Listen to a piece of music without doing anything else


Friday 22 March – Notice something that is going well, even if it feels difficult today


Saturday 23 March – Tune in to your feelings, without trying to change them


Sunday 24 March – Appreciate your hands and all that they can do


Monday 25 March– Focus your attention on the good things that you take for granted


Tuesday 26 March – Choose to spend less time looking at screens today


Wednesday 27 March – Appreciate the nature that is around you, wherever you are


Jokes of the week: Guess the very obvious theme this week. . .

Why was the Easter Bunny hired for the job?

He had the most eggs-perience!


Why does the Easter Bunny have such a good complexion?

He eggs-foliates!


What do you call an unconventional Easter egg?



What did the kids do when their treats were all hidden on Easter morning?

They demanded an eggs-planation!


How can you make Easter preparations go faster?

Use the eggs-press lane.


Why are Easter bunnies more tired when Easter’s in April?

Because they’ve just finished a long March.


There are sooooo many of these, I could have gone on for pages!


Conversation starters:


What has been the highlight of this term for you?


What have you been most proud to achieve in March?


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:

Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to lazy mornings for a few weeks
  2. I am looking forward to the clocks going forward
  3. I am looking forward to lots and lots of walking in the (fingers crossed) spring sunshine
  4. I am grateful for the amazing people I work with each day
  5. I am grateful that you cannot get mini eggs/Creme eggs/Easter eggs all year round!

Sleeps til Santa: 278 sleeps. . .


Have a great break and don’t eat too many Easter eggs in the coming weeks!


With much love,


Mrs Bennett