Mrs Bennetts Bulletin Thursday 4 July 2024

Posted: 4th July 2024

Good morning, Prep School family,


Welcome to the last Bennett’s Bulletin of this term and school year.


I hope you are well and enjoying this week of glorious summer weather – welcome to July!


Apologies to those who have chased me for The Bulletin, expecting it on Tuesday morning. I had written most of it over the weekend but then things happened on Monday and it didn’t seem quite right so I have had a rewrite! I cannot believe we are at the end of the academic year – where have the past 12 months gone? Time has flown quicker this year than any other year, I must be having too much fun or getting old! I’ll go with the first option!


It has been a very emotional week – this time of year always is. The air is always full of mixed emotions as the time to say goodbye to the familiar and to move onto new classes and, for some of our children, the reality of their new schools draws ever nearer. Everyone (pupils, teachers and parents) becomes a little unsettled as change approaches – nervous but quite rightly excited for new adventures ahead.


This week has been particularly emotional for many people for many reasons but one of the main ones for me is that we are about to say farewell and good luck to our Year 6 classes. Each year, this is hard and the ‘Class of ’ assemblies are always my emotional Achilles heel. However, this year it has taken on a new significance for me as these will also be the last classes that I see completely through their educational journey in the Prep School. When I first started at Highclare, the vast majority of Year 6 hadn’t even started their time with us. Over the years, I have had the honour and the privilege of welcoming them as pupils and you, as parents into our school family. Together we have watched them grow – physically, academically and emotionally. I have witnessed the smiles, the tears and the challenges faced and overcome. I have seen shy and cautious individuals blossom into confident and resilient young people who are ready to take on the adventures of secondary school. But most importantly, we have together, raised individuals who are unbelievably kind, caring, thoughtful and compassionate; individuals who know their inner strength, who are not afraid to use their voice, not afraid to be themselves and individuals who, in the face of adversity, always come out smiling.


So to you all, no matter what your onward educational journey looks like remember these words of wisdom:


What feels like the end is often the beginning and with each new beginning comes adventure, magic and endless opportunities.


Quote of the week: ““Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” — Dr. Seuss


Well-being tasks for this week: These tasks are based on Jump Back July – tasks that are designed to help build our resilience and inner strength.


Thursday 4 July – Find something to look forward to today


Friday 5 July – Get the basics right – eat well, exercise and go to bed on time


Saturday 6 July – Pause, breathe and feel your feet on the ground


Sunday 7 July – Shift your mood by doing something you really enjoy


Monday 8 July – Avoid saying ‘must’ or ‘should’ to yourself today


Tuesday 9 July – Put a problem into perspective by seeing the bigger picture


Jokes of the week: 


Why can Cinderella not go swimming at the beach? She lost her glass flipper!


Where do zombies like to vacation during summer break? The Dead Sea.


What do pirates and swimmers have in common? They both love cannonballs!


What did the ice lolly tell an angry ice cream? Chill out!


How do sand toys feel about summer? They really dig it!


Conversation starters:


What has been your favourite memory of this year?


What are you looking forward to over the summer?


5 things that I am grateful for or looking forward to this week:


Can you try this simple exercise in gratitude and positivity?

  1. I am looking forward to celebrating my brother’s birthday over the weekend.
  2. I am looking forward to moving into our new house over the summer.
  3. I am looking forward to dog sitting.
  4. I am grateful for another amazing academic year and all that we have achieved as a school family.
  5. I am grateful for coffee this week and plenty of it!

Sleeps til Santa: 173 sleeps. . .the Christmas films will be on TV before too long and the decorations will be up in the shops!


Enjoy the summer and I look forward to greeting you back in September when you will all be taller, far less tired and no doubt tanned from spending your days playing outside! Have lots of fun, look after yourselves and each other and relax! Missing you all already.


With much love,


Mrs Bennett