L4 Geography Fieldtrip to the Wolseley Centre, Staffordshire

Posted: 27th June 2019

On Friday 14 June 2019, Highclare Senior School geography department organised a very successful trip to the Wolseley Centre in Staffordshire.

Lead by the excellent staff at the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust the students first spent time recapping about river processes of erosion, deposition and transportation and the key features of a river from our helpful guides.  In groups, students undertook various river studies in the nearby brook, a tributary of the River Trent, which unfortunately was out of bounds on this day for us as it had burst its banks into the nearby floodplain, due to all of the recent rain!

The students carried out a variety of tests including velocity testing, depth and width of the river channel, checking the size and profile of the bedload and checking how polluted the tributary was by examining the invertebrates in the stream.  All-in-all an excellent day.

Categories: News Senior School