Dr Luker’s End of Term Greeting

Posted: 2nd April 2020

Dear Pupils, Parents and Colleagues,

As Headmaster of Highclare School, I must say that I did not expect to be writing this end of term greeting to you in the unusual and challenging circumstances in which we find ourselves now.

Over recent days I have been privileged to be able to experience up-close the Highclare spirit of people – students, parents and staff – working together for the common good, all prepared to go beyond the ‘call of duty’ and all absolutely committed to achieving successful outcomes.  It has been humbling to witness the teamwork, commitment and mutual support that is in evidence as we all go about the task of providing education remotely. I do hope you are all finding the experience to be constructive and positive.

Last weekend we were busy taking a delivery of groceries and general supplies to my wife Sarah’s elderly parents, who live in a quiet corner of southeast London.  As we passed under one of the many bridges, I noticed a recently painted graffiti message designed to promote, celebrate and sustain all the fantastic acts of kindness and good teamwork that we are able to witness.  It read:

‘If you want to go fast, go alone

If you want to go far, go together’

It is a very apt thought; labelled as an African proverb, which I thought should be elevated high in our national conscience.  Let us all pull together for the benefit of humanity – it’s a simple but compelling proposition.

I have loved staying in touch with pupils, staff and parents through the remote learning platforms and the social media channels that we use. A big thank you to Mrs Moore and Mrs Bennett for their non-stop, super-positive commentary on all that is to be celebrated about our school community.
Thanks also to:

·         My colleagues – for maintaining such high standards in our provision of education to the pupils

·         All the pupils – for responding so positively in this ‘new’ learning environment

·         All parents – who are showing the same level of commitment as us to the children’s education.

Finally, a challenge to all pupils for the Easter holidays. Put simply, the real value of teamwork is that it allows a group to be more effective than if they worked as individuals. The challenge is to identify and write an account of a great real-life example of teamwork that you experience – directly or indirectly – over the Easter break.  Take photographs to embellish your writing if you wish. Send your entry to me no later than 5.00pm on Friday 17 April, via the following digital link: enquiries@highclareschool.co.uk

A chocolate-related Easter prize for the winning entry.

Best wishes to you all for a happy, restful and peaceful Easter break.

Yours sincerely

Dr R Luker
