KS5 Good Reads January 2022

Posted: 6th January 2022



A young adult book of sci-fi genre, this is a great read, particularly  if you like gaming.

It’s set in a dystopian future in 2044 – oil has run out, the climate is          destroyed, and most people escape reality by spending their lives inside an immense virtual reality video game called the OASIS. It has its own currency, and kids even go to school inside the game. The creator of the game, James Halliday, died years earlier, without an heir to his immense empire, but left a video will with clues to be tracked in the game. Whoever solves these will inherit the OASIS, and the immense wealth that goes with it.





Regeneration is a story inspired by true events of World War One. It centres around the now famous war poet, Siegfried Sassoon and takes place in a hospital for those suffering shell shock, otherwise known as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

It is a story of intricate characterisation, the horrific consequences of war, and the internal conflict each character faces. Everyone    faces different struggles that appear impossible to overcome, yet they come to unite over their experiences collectively.