Category: News

Transition Trip to Sutton Park

1st June 2012

The children all made a boat in the classroom, then went on a minibus to Hartopp gate. A short walk to a stream saw the boats successfully launched! The trip was rounded off by a drink and snacks on the grass. A super time was had by all! "I've had a wonderful morning," Anthony;  "…

J2 Mexican Food Tasting

1st June 2012

The pupils in J2 have had a taste of Mexico! To link in with their study of Mexico this term, the children enjoyed preparing and eating tasty tortillas and guacamole. It was great fun  dipping the pineapple and grapes in melted chocolate. This was definitely the favourite.  Geography can be fun!

“Please come to our Jubilee Tea”

1st June 2012

"Please come to our Jubilee Tea"  was the invitation from Reception R & S pupils last week. Part of the Reception rooms had been transformed into their very own Buckingham Palace and the children offered a warm welcome to their special visitors. They showed them to their table and then served them with iced tea…

J4 Viking Day

1st June 2012

Last week, J4 were once again treated to a day of dressing up and wielding spears. They became Vikings and spent the day in the 10th Century, learning to make rope from rushes, weave bracelets and grind bread.  Paris particularly enjoyed being a Viking grandmother.  Timothy, like many of the boys, really enjoyed being a…

J5 Learn the Haka

1st June 2012

Over the past four weeks J5 have been learning about the ‘Haka’ for their ‘Dance in Sport’ topic. They have learnt about the dance’s origins and purpose and really enjoyed performing the ‘Haka’. They also tried their hand at choreographing their own group ‘Haka’.  Last week the class performed their Haka and they did a  fantastic…

U6 Leavers’ Dinner

1st June 2012

A lovely time was had by all at the U6 Leavers Dinner – a mixture of happiness and sadness as the students prepare for their next step in life. We wish them every success!

Birmingham Children’s Hospital Assembly

28th May 2012

Thank you to Justine Cleary from Birmingham Children’s Hospital who talked to the children in assembly on Monday. We watched a short DVD on the history of the hospital which is celebrating its 150th Anniversary this year. Justine thanked all the children for their hard work this year raising money for the hospital. She also…

The Hungry Caterpillar

28th May 2012

 On Friday, Reception P performed a mini assembly of the story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar.’  We sang, acted and danced.  The performance was thoroughly enjoyed by all. To finish the assembly we said goodbye to two of our butterflies who have grown from caterpillars throughout this term.

Punch and Judy

28th May 2012

J1 have been learning about Holidays from the past as part of their History Topic this term. This week they have been studying the different types of entertainment available at the seaside. They watched a Punch and Judy show on the internet, then had a go at making up their own shows, which they performed…

ISA Midland Kwik Cricket Tournament

28th May 2012

The Under 11 Highclare team finished Runners-Up in the ISA Midland Kwik Cricket final after being beaten by St Joseph’s, Staffordshire, in splendid sunny conditions. They won all their three group matches comfortably, scoring 235 runs on top of their 200 run match start scores while taking 20 wickets and losing only four. Group Matches…