Category: News

Senior Speech Night

10th April 2012

We think you will all agree that last Friday’s Senior Speech Night was a huge success. Our guest speaker, Mrs Kym Jones, former pupil of Highclare spoke with real passion and enthusiasm about her role as a Landscape Architect. The pupils were a credit to the school and to their parents and we were very…

Midlands Air Ambulance

10th April 2012

Pupils from the Abbey and St Paul's adopted the Air Ambulance as their charity for the year and raised an amazing sum of £7930. Amrita Patel from Air Ambulance visited us last week to speak to the pupils about the charity, and tell them how the money will be used to save lives within the…


10th April 2012

Another successful PGL trip! Well done to all of Year 8 who got totally involved, behaved impeccably and were a real credit to the school. Staff had lots of photo opportunities, so look out for the updated PGL board coming soon!

Cross Country Success

10th April 2012

CROSS COUNTRY SUCCESS FOR LAURA RICHARDSON On Saturday 5th March, Laura Richardson , won the overall trophy in the U14 girls section at the Independent Schools’ National Final for Cross Country.   This makes her National Champion for her age group. Laura is a current Year 7 pupil at the school and won the school’s first…

Annual Speech Day

10th April 2012

WHAT MAKES HIGHCLARE ‘HIGHCLARE’? This was the theme for the speeches at this year’s annual prize giving event for Highclare Senior School, on Friday 12th November. Mrs Margaret Viles, Head of Highclare School, congratulated all the pupils on the excellent results and with the help of guest speaker, Mr David Roberts, awarded prizes for academic…

A fantastic result!

10th April 2012

Well done to all our students on their success in their GCSE exams, another excellent year of results with 100% pass rate. Whe parents and pupils gathered at the school on Results Day, the atmosphere was tense as always, but tears and smiles soon followed as one by one the long awaited results were revealed….

Our Year 7 Historians

10th April 2012

As part of their History course our Year 7 historians have been finding out some interesting facts about the history of Sutton Coldfield, a town full of surprises! They have spent an afternoon in the town centre to look at places of historical interest, some of which would normally not get a second glance!  They…

Exams Are Over!

10th April 2012

The hard work is over, and Highclare students in the Upper Fifth and Sixth forms are now preparing for some well-deserved relaxation in preparation for receiving their results in August. As always, we are sure these will be splendid. The Fifth formers can now log on to the school VLE, accessed from our Home Page…

Essay Competition winner

10th April 2012

Martha Wins the Max Gate Intermediate Essay Prize 2010 organised by the Independent School Association. The English department was delighted to receive the news that Martha, a pupil in Yr 8,  had won top prize for her challenging essay in the Intermediate section of the ISA competition. She chose to write on a topic she…

Swimming Success

10th April 2012

HiGHCLARE SWIM TO SUCCESS There were 14 of the best Independent School’s in the area competing at the Independent School’s Association Regional Gala on 15th October and Highclare’s Senior Squad were victorious overall scoring 211 points, beating second placed Princethorpe College by 16 points. Competitive swimming by the Year 7 team gave Highclare their first…