Category: News

More News on Top Score Football Event

10th April 2012

Well done to everyone who took part in the Top Score Football Event “Kick it for Kids”. We raised £2,166  for Birmingham Children’s Hospital!

Top Score Football Event

10th April 2012

This was a fantastic sponsored event. Thanks to everyone involved for your continued support in raising money for the Birmingham Children's Hospital. Please send any outstanding money into school as soon as possible.

J3 Greek Day

10th April 2012

J3P had a fantastic day at Woodfield joining in with J3R and J3S to learn about life in Ancient Greece. Everyone dressed in a Greek costume. The characters from Timezones  helped the children to take part in a fascinating debate about whether they wanted to join forces with Athens or Sparta city states. Athens won…

Bag Packing for Charity

10th April 2012

Thank you to the juniors who gave up their Saturday on 5th November, to pack customers’ bags at the Wyevale Garden Centre in Shenstone. We raised £333.70 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital.             Well Done!

Book Week

10th April 2012

Book week was really enjoyable for the children from J3-J6. We had visits from Alison Daly who is a local librarian. She read us some really funny stories. Steve Smallman the illustrator came to show us some of his drawings and teach us how to illustrate a book. We also wrote an autobiography about our…

Special Assembly

10th April 2012

James Gibson took assembly last week and told all the pupils about his time in France and his experience in a French school. Skiing as a PE lesson sounds very exciting! Well done, James, for such an interesting assembly.

Bosworth Battlfield Trip

10th April 2012

J5P recently visited Leicestershire and enjoyed a superb day at Bosworth Battlefield. They had an amazing time against the best efforts of the weather!  The students enjoyed falconry, weaponry and a walk around the battlefield itself. Much fun was also had in the shop!

Keep Fit Stay Healthy Week

10th April 2012

HIGHCLARE SCHOOL, ST PAUL’S KEEP FIT, BE HEALTHY WEEK           17TH – 21ST JANUARY. Pupils at one of Highclare School’s Infant and Junior Departments at Highclare St Paul’s in Lichfield Road, Sutton Coldfield, have been having great fun, “Shaking and Waking” every day during their  ‘Keep Fit and Be Healthy Week’. The themed week of extra…

J5 Open Homework Task

10th April 2012

We would like to congratulate the children in J5P for the high standard of a recent homework task.  Their task was an ‘Open Homework’ which was to design and formulate a quiz to Junior Age children.   The pupils only guideline was that the quiz would be consist of 20 questions.The standard of work was so…

What a Football Week

10th April 2012

What a Week ! At the ISA Midlands Football competition the U9 team took part in their first competitive matches.  Pupils from Year 3 & Year 4 played their first game ever for the school.   At the same time the U11 team once again qualified for the Independent Schools Association National Finals to be played…