Category: News

Boys & Girls Football

10th April 2012

FOOTBALL BRINGS THE BOYS AND GIRLS TOGETHER AT HIGHCLARE’S JUNIOR DEPARTMENTS For the first time, our  Junior  Boys and Girls both fielded teams in a  Football Tournament, representing Highclare School in both the boys event and the girls event at the same venue. The event was the West Midlands Individual 7 a side finals which…

Abbey Junior Harvest

10th April 2012

We had a fantastic response to our Harvest Festival. The representative from St Basils, which we support, was overwhelmed with our achievements. Our thanks to both puplls and parents for helping us to make such a contribution to this worthy cause.

Finding Information in Year 2

10th April 2012

As part of our ICT topic on “Finding Information,” J2 have been busy researching encyclopaedias and fact books for information. We are learning to use links, hyperlinks, keywords, search tools and home page tools to help us to find information on the computer. We are researching our classroom encyclopaedias and fact books as part of…

Transition Library Club

10th April 2012

During this term all the children in Transition Owls, Rabbits and Squirrels are being given the opportunity to take part in our Thursday lunchtime Library Club. The children are encouraged to enjoy looking at the books available and to treat them carefully and with respect. They are learning about different types of books; for example…

Children in Need

10th April 2012

Woodfield raise money for Children in Need On Friday 18th November, Woodfield “Showed Our Spots & Raised Lots” for Children in Need. With your support we raised over £435.00 for the charity. Thank you!

Book Week

10th April 2012

Woodfield pupils and staff have enjoyed an eventful week, with the focus on “Our World”. Librarians came into school armed with a variety of international stories. French Day took place on Wednesday and Madame Neville introduced the pupils from Reception  –  J3 to French Fiction and Fairy Tales. Several parents delighted us with their storytelling….

Book Week

10th April 2012

The children enjoyed a very successful book week at Woodfield before the half term holidays.The pupils exchanged books, had reading sessions with guest readers visiting their classes to share their own stories from around the world. The Book Fair was once again a successful event and due to your support helped us to purchase nearly…

Beech Hill Grange

10th April 2012

Pupils from J3 paid their first visit this year to Beech Hill Grange. They went along on Tuesday with their special letters they had written to residents. As always, the pupils were warmly received and brought smiles all round!

Visit from Mad Science

10th April 2012

During their school assembly last week J3 were treated to a visit from Mad Science. 'Krazy Kerry'  showed them some amazing things. 'Krazy Kerry' was able to make water disappear into a cup, burnt a piece of paper into thin air and even made some giant vortices!

Woodfield Book Club

10th April 2012

A Book Club began for Year 2 children on World Book Day, Thursday 3rd March. The pupils talked about book groups and their favourite books, both fact and fiction. All the children enjoyed sitting quietly on cushions, comfy chairs or on the carpet, with a book of their choice Priya enjoyed reading poems to a…