Category: News

The First Christmas

10th April 2012

EYFS performed their Nativity this week to their parents and grandparents. Well done children.

Teddy Bear Picnic

10th April 2012

Rec P went on a teddy bear picnic.  We read a story in the woods and ate our bear biscuits in the classroom.


10th April 2012

As part of our topic on Senses, the children in pre-school have been using their hands to investigate their sense of touch. We enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon exploring different textures such as foam, jelly, ice and cooked spaghetti. Many of us were very brave and put our hands in a special feely box to try…

EYFS and KS1 Book Week

10th April 2012

We had a fun and busy time during Book Week. We did all sorts of activities such as colouring in. pictures from our favourite books, creating and writing potions and we dressed up as characters from books. The children from J6P also came down to our classes to read us stories. We also had a…

Jewish Celebrations

10th April 2012

Children in Pre-school at St Paul’s learnt about the Jewish celebration “Sukkot”. We learnt that the Jewish say thank you to God for providing them with everything they need. To commemorate this, they build shelters called ‘Sukkah’ where they eat their meals and sometimes sleep for seven days. The Sukkah is traditionally decorated with things…

J1P / J1Q Visit Holy Trinity Church

10th April 2012

J1P and J1Q really enjoyed their visit to Holy Trinity Church on Thursday 6th October.  Thank you to Mrs Moore for arranging the visit and making it a super learning experience for J1.

Assembly Fun with Kids UK

10th April 2012

New Beginnings Fun in Assembly Andi Markham from KIDS UK, helped by his puppet jack and his associate King Darius (Sam) came in to assembly on Monday. They talked about New Beginnings with the children which covers the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme for this half term.

Charity Quiz Night

10th April 2012

Charity Quiz Night Thank you to everyone who came along to the charity quiz night for Midlands Air Ambulance. A special Thank You to Ben Soen, Mrs Warmington, Mrs Patel, Mr Priest and Mr Watson for all their help with running the event. We Raised a Staggering £871 !!

Chris Evans Short Story Competition

10th April 2012

CONGRATULTIONS LUQMAAN! During half term some of the children in J4P wrote stories for Chris Evans 500 word short story competition. After weeks of waiting Luqmaan Rashid found out that his story, Teacher, Teacher! had been shortlisted to the final 25 in the country for his age group. On Friday 3rd June he will go…

Bridge Building Challenge

10th April 2012

In Design and Technology Club, we have taken part in a Bridge Building Challenge. The challenge: To make a bridge long and strong enough for a small car to travel from one table to another. The teams were told they each had 25 minutes to complete the task and £100 to spend on paper, tape, paperclips,…