Category: Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin

Mrs Bennetts Bulletin 27/09/2022

28th September 2022

    Good morning, Prep School family, I hope that this Bulletin finds you well. I cannot believe that it is time to write this Bulletin again. The last seven days have flown by. It has been a very busy week but nothing out of the ordinary, it has just been lovely to have been…

Mrs Bennetts Bulletin 20/09/2022

20th September 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope that this Bulletin finds you well.   As I did, I’m sure many of you spent yesterday watching the funeral of The Queen and sat in wonder at the planning and precision of every detail. The traditions, the pomp and the ceremony were truly spectacular. The minute…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 13 September 2022

13th September 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,    Welcome to the first Bennett Bulletin of this school year! The Bulletin is back by very popular demand and I am so pleased that so many of you have enjoyed reading it over the past two and a half years and have found it an interesting way to start…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Friday 9th July 2022

14th July 2022

Good evening, Prep School family,   Welcome to the last Bulletin of this academic year! Apologies to those of you who were expecting this on Tuesday – that was my intention but this week had other ideas! I am writing this sat in a deserted school. It is so quiet and peaceful – but very…

Mrs Bennett’s bulletin, Tuesday 28 June 2022

28th June 2022

    Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are well and enjoying the week so far? Can you believe that it is nearly July and yet another school year will be over in only 8.5 days. . .time flies when you are having fun but when you get to my age (24!),…

Mrs Bennetts Bulletin, Tuesday 21 June 2022

21st June 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and enjoyed the weekend? I cannot believe how different two days can be. Friday was the hottest day of the year so far, we were all scorching in school and then Saturday was like we had been cast back into the depths of…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 7th June 2022

8th June 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope that you are all well and managed to have a lovely half term holiday. I had a fantastic week. It seemed to go relatively slowly so I think that has made me enjoy it all the more!   Half term in our household has been one of…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 24 May 2022

24th May 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope that the last Bulletin of the term finds you well and that you had a lovely weekend? I had a very busy few days of sorting out, tidying up, washing and cleaning. I also managed to see some friends and have a lovely lunch with Arthur. We…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 17 May 2022

17th May 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope that the Bulletin finds you all well and enjoying the week so far! I hope you had a good weekend and revelled in the sun before the rain came. On Saturday, I spent some time in the garden, reading and enjoying the warmth of the sun on…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 10 May 2022

11th May 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope that the Bulletin finds you well this week and that the warmer weather is putting a spring in your step. I have just been looking at the forecast for next week and some days it is positively tropical! Please do not forget to apply sun cream (to…