Category: Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Wednesday 4 May 2022

4th May 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are well and that you all enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend. It was so lovely to have that extra day to catch up on things that needed doing and not try to squeeze all of my jobs into two days. I very much like the…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 26 April 2022

26th April 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   Welcome back to the Summer term!   As I am writing to you this week, I am sat in front of a roaring fire whilst watching the sunset out of the window. I love this time of year – sunny and (sometimes hot) in the day, yet still cold…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 29 March 2022

31st March 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and looking forward to a terrific Tuesday. I had a super weekend – seeing friends, a spot of shopping and dinner out with Mr Bennett, it was lovely!   Mothering Sunday is a day of mixed of emotions for many people for so…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 15 March 2022

15th March 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and enjoyed a good weekend? My weekend was quiet, deliberately.  I met some friends for afternoon tea on Saturday and then I turned the world off for the rest of the day! By this, I mean that I turned my mobile phone off….

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 8 March 2022

9th March 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and enjoyed a lovely weekend? My weekend was very busy but really super. I had a day in Norfolk on Sunday, the sea breeze was very fresh but the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining. Saturday was full of doing…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 1 March 2022

1st March 2022

Good morning, Prep School family, I hope you are all well and relaxed after a super half term. I have heard so many stories today from the children of the wonderful and exciting things that you have all been up to over the last week from holidays to art galleries to museums to mountains. Your…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 15 February 2022

17th February 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and have enjoyed a lovely weekend with each other? I had a relaxing weekend. I didn’t feel on full form, so I decided to try and take it easy. I met a friend for a coffee and saw my dad for breakfast. I…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 8 February 2022

8th February 2022

Good morning, Prep School family, I hope that you are well and that you have had a lovely weekend. I had a really busy weekend. I nipped to Norfolk for the day, caught up with my old deputy head, went for dinner with a family that I have known for more years than I care…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 1 February 2022

2nd February 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   Firstly, I would like to wish everyone who is celebrating Chinese New Year today a very happy new year and I wish you a year filled with happiness, health and prosperity.  I hope you all enjoy the celebrations and the time with your families.    So, did you all…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 25 January 2022

26th January 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope that this Bulletin finds you well and relaxed after a lovely weekend. Did you do anything exciting? Last week, I had a busy week and the weekend was also jam-packed! It has been a week of birthdays in our family, we have had five birthdays in 4…