Category: Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 18 January 2022

18th January 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend? Mine was lovely. . .I didn’t do much except sleep, catch up with friends over a cream scone and watch a Christmas (yes Christmas) film. It was very relaxing and a chance to recharge those batteries, something…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 11 January 2022

11th January 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope this first Bulletin of 2022 finds you well and ready for the week ahead. I cannot believe that we have all been back in school for a week already, where has that time gone – it will be half term before we know it!  An especially huge…

Mrs Bennett’s Christmas Bulletin, Tuesday 17 December 2021

17th December 2021

Good morning, Prep School family, I hope you are all well and many apologies that this Bulletin wasn’t sent out on Tuesday. To be honest, I had always planned to send it out on the last day with a Merry Christmas from me, I completely underestimated how many emails I would get on Tuesday asking…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 7 December 2021

7th December 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and have had a fun and festive weekend. I had a wonderful weekend in London celebrating Mr Bennett’s birthday. We thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the Christmas lights and doing a bit of shopping and eating on the side. We were lucky enough…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 30 November 2021

30th November 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are well and are enjoying this snowy weather. As I sit here at my desk writing to you, the sun is just setting and the playground at HPP looks magical. The sky is a gorgeous bluey/grey colour, the trees are still covered with a thick layer…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 23 November 2021

23rd November 2021

Good morning, Prep School family, I hope you are well and enjoying this week so far. Did you all have a lovely weekend? Mine was gone in a flash but it was good all the same! Can you believe that next weekend is the last one in November and then it will be December and…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 16 November 2021

16th November 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all ok and having a good week so far. Did you all have a fun weekend? I apologise in advance, it’s a very short Bulletin from me this week but I wanted to share with you the top reasons I have loved Autumn. Autumn sometimes…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday, 9 November 2021

10th November 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and that you all had a wonderful weekend. I met a friend for coffee and I went to an amazing fireworks display with friends and family. The rest of the time, I was busy doing adult jobs like cleaning, sorting and ironing! It…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 2 November 2021

2nd November 2021

Good morning, Prep School family, Welcome back after what I hope has been the most amazing half term for you all! I hope you all managed to have lots of fun and enjoy the break from routine. I have had a gorgeous few weeks. I was lucky enough to go to Ibiza for a week…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin, Tuesday 12th October 2021

13th October 2021

Good morning, Prep School family,   How are you all today? I hope you all had a super weekend and managed to do things that made you smile? I had a lovely weekend. I spent time with Arthur and Amelie (which always involves cake!), my dad and a friend that I haven’t seen for a…