
Good Reads January 2023 – KS4

10th January 2023

Great Expectations – Charles Dickens Great Expectations is about Pip, a boy of ten years of age and an orphan whose life is transformed when he has a terrifying encounter with a mysterious convict Abel Magwitch in the opening chapter.  We follow Pip’s life in his quest to become a gentleman and meet many colourful characters,…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 10 January 2023

10th January 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and welcome to the first Bulletin of 2023. Can you believe where the time has gone – it only seems a few weeks ago that I was writing the first Bulletin of 2022. . .   I am finding it hard to believe…

Carol Singing

14th December 2022

Last week, children from our two preparatory schools travelled to Lichfield Three Spires and Gracechurch in Sutton Coldfield Town Centre to sign a full set of christmas songs old and new. We had plenty of parents come to make an appearance in support as well as plenty of locals who simply couldn’t resist a song…

Grandparents afternoons

14th December 2022

Last week we welcomed Grandparents from Woodfield and St Paul’s to our Senior School for a specially tailored Grandparents’ afternoon. Our guests enjoyed a range of refreshments provided by our incredible catering team and were treated to a Christmas concert performed by our Preparatory School choirs and ensembles and led by the wonderful Mrs Witham….

Diana Award – Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training

14th December 2022

The Diana Award Charity is a legacy to Diana and her belief that young people have the power to change the world. The Anti-Bullying programme is one of 4 programmes that the Diana Award runs and is about engaging young people to change the attitudes, behaviours and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence…

Creative Writing Competition

6th December 2022

Last week we welcomed children from our own preparatory schools as well as members from 12 other primary schools in the local area to our senior school for the culmination of our Creative Writing Competition. Gathering in the refectory, parents, children and staff members read poetry all about the ancient Egyptian pharaoh – Tutankhamun. We…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 6 December 2022

6th December 2022

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and have had a fun and festive weekend. Mine has been very quiet as I have had the lurgy!   I thought I would keep this Bulletin very simple this week.   I know we are all so busy with the build up…

December KS3 Good Reads

6th December 2022

The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafon In Calcutta in 1916, two orphaned babies are separated at birth. The childrens’ lives are threatened but thanks to the self-sacrifice of their grandmother they remain safe for a number of years until  finally they have to take their chances in the adult world. This is a tense…