

10th April 2012

A Review by Abbie: Recently, the Abbey and Woodfield Junior  school have been working regularly on their production, ‘Pirates’.  Each student counted, with a part or forming the chorus, and have tried their hardest to put on an exceptionally sensational and remarkable performance with lots of humour. There weren’t really any main characters.  However, most…

Children in Need

10th April 2012

Juniors at the Abbey have raised £102 for Children in Need! Well done, to all of the children and teachers who wore their spots! Well done, to those children who donated spotty cakes for the Spotty Cake Challenge!

J6 Story Makers

10th April 2012

J6 pupils have been very busy producing their own picture books for five year old children. They have designed the covers and even made their own story boxes. On Tuesday the pupils were given the opportunity to read their stories to Woodfield’s Reception pupils. A perfect audience for fabulous stories. Well done, J6!

Economic Well Being Day

10th April 2012

As part of their Fractions Topic, J4 pupils put their heads together to investigate everyday household budgets, finding out what fractions of income went to paying bills. Maybe they will appreciate their pocket money more, now!

Book Week

10th April 2012

Pupils at the Abbey enjoyed a fun filled week in their Book Week before half term. Pupils made books, read and wrote stories, had a visit from Alison from Birmingham Library, raised money for books for the Juniors through the Book Fair and also raised £105 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital through our Reflective Assembly and…

J5 Tudor Day

10th April 2012

Pupils in J5 enjoyed a Tudor Day with their friends from St Paul’s.  We enjoyed being in a Tudor farmhouse and schoolroom in the morning and performed a Tudor play in the afternoon. It was brilliant to go back in history and be just like the Tudors! I loved it when I performed the part…

Tudor Houses

10th April 2012

The pupils in J5 have been busy making Tudor houses in their DT lessons. They have learnt all about wattle and daub and the characteristics of a typical Tudor house. J5 have also enjoyed a Tudor Day at St Paul's.

Fruity Friday

10th April 2012

The Junior pupils raised £21.25 for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital by promoting healthy eating and buying fruit for their break time snack. The fruit was kindly donated by the Co-operative Food Store in Burntwood and they will continue to help us during the year, with our successful Fruity Fridays. Thank you to all the pupils…

Chess Club

10th April 2012

I have set up my own Chess Club on a Wednesday lunchtime. We have 5 committed members who come every week. I teach them how to play the game. I have even brought more chess boards to the club for others to use. Jack Walker, Head Boy

Fashion Club

10th April 2012

As Head Girl I have been busy setting up my own Fashion Club on a Friday. I have 12 members and we are designing T shirts and making our own clothes. Mrs Morgan thinks that I am very independent setting up my own club! The girls in the Juniors love coming! Tahlia Hunter, Head Girl