
Visit to Tanner’s Close

10th April 2012

Pupils from Year 4 at Highclare Abbey Juniors enjoyed an hour out of their classrooms last week, when they went along to entertain residents at Tanner’s Close, Whitehouse Common. They sang confidently and performed a variety of tunes on their recorders. Their appreciative audience was very pleased to see them again as their previous, seasonal…

Girls and Boys enjoy Mad Science

10th April 2012

MAD SCIENCE Professor Peter Plasma, the mad Scientist, paid a visit to the School to encourage the boys and girls in the Abbey Junior Department  to engage in after school Science lessons. Besides exciting the audience with wind and fire experiments, he turned Mrs White into a real Egyptian mummy using a hair drier and…

Book Week Visit

10th April 2012

During our recent Book Week, all the juniors were entertained by Children's book writer and illustrator, Steven Smallman.   He read some lively stories from his future book and gave everyone a drawing lesson on to draw cartoon faces and animal pictures. On Friday all the children (and staff) dressed up on non uniform day and…

Jack and the Beanstalk at Highclare!

10th April 2012

Girls and Boys in Year 5 have made their very own Beanstalks during a germination experiment in the Junior Science Laboratory.   They set out to see how plant seeds developed in different conditions over a period of time.   After ten days growth their very own 'Beanstalks' started to appear!

Boys & Girls Football

10th April 2012

FOOTBALL BRINGS THE BOYS AND GIRLS TOGETHER AT HIGHCLARE’S JUNIOR DEPARTMENTS For the first time, our  Junior  Boys and Girls both fielded teams in a  Football Tournament, representing Highclare School in both the boys event and the girls event at the same venue. The event was the West Midlands Individual 7 a side finals which…

Abbey Junior Harvest

10th April 2012

We had a fantastic response to our Harvest Festival. The representative from St Basils, which we support, was overwhelmed with our achievements. Our thanks to both puplls and parents for helping us to make such a contribution to this worthy cause.

Finding Information in Year 2

10th April 2012

As part of our ICT topic on “Finding Information,” J2 have been busy researching encyclopaedias and fact books for information. We are learning to use links, hyperlinks, keywords, search tools and home page tools to help us to find information on the computer. We are researching our classroom encyclopaedias and fact books as part of…

Transition Library Club

10th April 2012

During this term all the children in Transition Owls, Rabbits and Squirrels are being given the opportunity to take part in our Thursday lunchtime Library Club. The children are encouraged to enjoy looking at the books available and to treat them carefully and with respect. They are learning about different types of books; for example…

Children in Need

10th April 2012

Woodfield raise money for Children in Need On Friday 18th November, Woodfield “Showed Our Spots & Raised Lots” for Children in Need. With your support we raised over £435.00 for the charity. Thank you!

Book Week

10th April 2012

Woodfield pupils and staff have enjoyed an eventful week, with the focus on “Our World”. Librarians came into school armed with a variety of international stories. French Day took place on Wednesday and Madame Neville introduced the pupils from Reception  –  J3 to French Fiction and Fairy Tales. Several parents delighted us with their storytelling….