
Assembly Fun with Kids UK

10th April 2012

New Beginnings Fun in Assembly Andi Markham from KIDS UK, helped by his puppet jack and his associate King Darius (Sam) came in to assembly on Monday. They talked about New Beginnings with the children which covers the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme for this half term.

Charity Quiz Night

10th April 2012

Charity Quiz Night Thank you to everyone who came along to the charity quiz night for Midlands Air Ambulance. A special Thank You to Ben Soen, Mrs Warmington, Mrs Patel, Mr Priest and Mr Watson for all their help with running the event. We Raised a Staggering £871 !!

Chris Evans Short Story Competition

10th April 2012

CONGRATULTIONS LUQMAAN! During half term some of the children in J4P wrote stories for Chris Evans 500 word short story competition. After weeks of waiting Luqmaan Rashid found out that his story, Teacher, Teacher! had been shortlisted to the final 25 in the country for his age group. On Friday 3rd June he will go…

Bridge Building Challenge

10th April 2012

In Design and Technology Club, we have taken part in a Bridge Building Challenge. The challenge: To make a bridge long and strong enough for a small car to travel from one table to another. The teams were told they each had 25 minutes to complete the task and £100 to spend on paper, tape, paperclips,…

Air Ambulance Visit

10th April 2012

Midlands Air Ambulance Visit All the children from Kindergarten—J6 enjoyed a talk from the Midlands Air Ambulance Paramedic, and the chance to look inside the helicopter pod.    The children were also able to try on the helmets, suits and hi-viz jackets the Air Ambulance crew wear. The assembly continued the theme of our ‘Be Safe…

Shine Star Shine

10th April 2012

‘SHINE STAR SHINE’ “St Paul’s Foundation Stage production of “Shine Star Shine” was a resounding success. Children from Kindergarten, Transition and Reception worked extremely hard and put together a fantastic show. For some children this is the first time they will have ever performed in front of an audience, and the staff are extremely proud…

Donkey for Sale

10th April 2012

J1/J2P Nativity “Donkey for Sale” Last week J1P/J2P at St Paul's captivated their audiences with an excellent production of “Donkey for Sale”.  Their singing, dancing and acting abilities were appreciated by all who attended the productions.  Thank you to all for providing such wonderful costumes.  We look forward this week to our Early Years production…

St Paul’s Pre-school enjoy an autumn walk

10th April 2012

Last week Transition class enjoyed going on an Autumn walk to collect treasures for our Autumn display. We found many types of interesting leaves, horse chestnuts, acorns and twigs. We noticed how the leaves are turning from green to different shades of brown, red and orange.   Best of all, the leaves on the ground made…

A Trip to Shugborough

10th April 2012

J1 and J2 P had an exciting and enjoyable trip to Shugborough Hall. We Dressed up as servants and cleaned the Victorian kitchen before making some delicious biscuits. Mrs Stearn the cook was very ‘stern’ and would not allow any talking or looking out of the window. The teacher in the Victorian Schoolroom was very…

Children in Need

5th March 2012

Abbey Seniors raise money for Children in Need A fabulous fun day was had by all in the Senior School on Friday and we raised well over £700 for Children in Need in the process. Staff and pupils dressed up and there were many fun competitions based around the ‘spotty’ theme. The winners of the…