
House Photography Competition

31st January 2023

Over the Christmas holidays we ran a House Photography competition, where students were asked to take a photo inspired by a classic Christmas or Winter song. Here are our fantastic winning entries, 3rd place in KS3 went to both Sofia U and Gabrielle W, 2ND to Sophia L and 1st To Jacob L. In KS4…

Mock trial for budding lawyers

31st January 2023

Highclare school attended a national MOCK trial competition on Saturday 21st January which took place at Stowe School, Buckinghamshire. This was a day long competition with three qualifying rounds. The team of 19 students from L5,U5 and Sixth Form needed to prepare two criminal cases which would then be presented to professional judges against opposing…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 31 January 2023

31st January 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well today and enjoying the last day of January for 2023! It seems to me to have been the longest month, ever. I haven’t disliked January at all and we have had some fun, both in and out of school, but I am very…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 24 January 2023

24th January 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and had a wonderful weekend of whatever excitement came your way! For me, it involved birthday parties, birthday cake, a roast dinner, cleaning and a roaring fire amongst other things. It was a weekend of two halves really – Saturday was manic and…

Waterstones trip

23rd January 2023

We had a great time perusing the book shelves of the 3rd floor children’s and young adults’ section of the Waterstones store,  Birmingham last week.  Our librarian team, book clubbers and other pupils from across the year groups joined us.  Thank you to the staff at Waterstones for their time answering pupils’ questions and helping…

Sparks – Birmingham Fire Service

23rd January 2023

Y4 had a special visit from Birmingham Fire Service who came to deliver a workshop on fire safety. The children all enjoyed playing a variety of interactive games about the use of smoke alarms and where to place them in a house, road safety and how to make an emergency call and the consequences of…

Mrs Bennett’s Bulletin Tuesday 17 January 2023

17th January 2023

Good morning, Prep School family,   I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend and start to the week. I cannot believe how cold it has turned today, as I am writing this in my office at HPP, snow is gently falling outside and I can hear lots of excitement from…

Trip to Tutbury Castle

10th January 2023

On 9 January the History Department took the L4th on what has now become an annual trip to Tutbury Castle for an audience with Queen Elizabeth I. She kept the students entertained with stories of her childhood and her 45-year reign as queen and also allowed them to handle some genuine Tudor artefacts. The students…